Take Advantage of Your Studies in France


What to do after completing a French degree? 

The value of French education in the world

France, known for its high-quality higher education, receives up to 343 000 international students per year. Despite fierce international competition, studies in France is an asset when stepping into the job market

Institutes that attract international students...

In 2019, France attracted 343 000 international students, holding the fourth place in the world. Some of the main reasons for choosing France are the quality of studies, and affordable fees. 

International students can choose between top-level institutes all over the country.

Ulkomaalaiset opiskelijat voivat tukeutua korkeatasoisten oppilaitosten verkostoon, joka kattaa koko maan. Besides Paris, the cities of LyonLilleToulouse, Montpellier, Grenoble and Rennes are the cities most often chosen by international students.

...and degrees that are interesting for employers

French diplomas are on high demand on various fields, such as in financing, technical-scientific fields, and in information technology. The French schools of engineering are known for their comprehensive currucilums which provide a strong theoretical foundation for students, as well as a possibility for further professional development in collaboration with the industry. An important percentage of engineers trained in France find employment also abroad.

French degrees are highly valued also in fields that are typically considered to be within the French areas of expertise, such as in luxury products, hotel industry, and gastronomy.

A developing system

The academic approach to teaching in French universities dates from the period of enlightenment. However, universities and other institutes of higher education adapt to the changing circumstances and are developing professionalising study programmes and put value on internationalisation.

A reform made in the French higher education system in the early 2000s harmonised the French degrees with the degrees of 45 countries (EEA countries, Turkey, and Russia). For information on the equivalance of qualification with other countries, please consult the ENIC-NARIC centres or the relevant French Embassy.

When there are two to go

A partner accompanying without interrupting his/her own career.

Leaving for abroad is not always an easy option for students or alumni or their close ones. When a couple leaves together, the experience must be planned for both of them. More and more HR specialists take this into consideration.

International mobility is an experience prepared together.

When a stay abroad fails, it is most often due to difficulties related to family life. Besides human costs, this creates costs for the employer. Therefore, it is crucial to take into consideration the expectations of the partner as well.

Independently preparing a stay abroad

It is important to take independent steps to prepare one's stay abroad. 

For more information, please visit www.francealumni.fr


Suivez les grandes étapes pour venir étudier en France
