In France, you can do a full degree or complete your degree with a shorter exchange. 

Studying abroad offers you the possibility to discover another culture, a different lifestyle but also to meet new people and to perfect one's language skills. Why not choose France for this one of a kind experience? France is the sixth most popular destination for Finnish exchange students. Every year about 100 Finnish students embark on a full degree in France

Most of the Finnish students in France study humanities (e.g. French language and literature) or economics and social and political sciences. However, France offers a very diverse range of studies in every field and on every topic, often in English. For example, France is recognized for the quality of its education & studies in mathematics and physics, fields in which many French researchers have won very high profile prizes. In addition, the level of medicine and engineering is excellent.

Doing a full degree abroad requires initiative, a certain independence and whole lot of courage! Yet, the experience is so enriching, professionally and personally that many consider it worthwhile. Doing a shorter exchange is easier when it comes to practical arrangements as the establishments home and abroad are there to guide students throughout the whole process. 

Suivez les grandes étapes pour venir étudier en France
