Finding an accommodation in France from Finland is a challenge. It is wise to start looking for accommodation as soon as possible and to take time to weigh different options. Below you will find tips and some practical advice.

Once you have received a confirmation that you have been selected to a study programme that you are willing to embark on, you might first want to find out whether it is possible to find accommodation through your institute of higher education. Also, CROUS (Centre régional des œuvres universitaires et scolaires) is an organisation under the French Ministry of Education, supervising the interests of students, and assists in various questions related to accommodation, but also to student life more generally (student allowance, eating, leisure...)

The free housing markets provide some interesting options for students, notably through

Please note that students, including exchange students, can apply for housing benefit at CAF (Allocations familiales).



  • Compare prices and choose an affordable rent
  • Find out whether the apartment is furnished and to what extent (including toilet and bathroom!)
  • See if you are expected to pay a security deposit (caution or dépôt de garantie) and if you need a guarantor (garant).
  • Make sure to make an inventory of the apartment (état des lieux) when moving in and signaling any damage in the apartment. If the landlord is not aware of an already existing damage in the apartment, they may charge the tenant of any damage at the end of the contract.
  • Remember to also take into consideration additional costs (charges) of electricity, water, gas, and other costs of maintenance.
  • Be sure to know the length of notice when terminating a rental agreement

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